An actuals invoice will invoice parents for the exact sessions their child is scheduled in for in a month.

  1. Details of the invoice will be displayed here. This includes the invoice number, the payment status (pending payment or paid), if/when the invoice was emailed to parents and if the invoice has been locked.
  2. The user can go back to the invoices section of the child’s profile by clicking this ‘Back’ button.
  3. The user can email the invoice to parents by clicking this ‘Email’ button. This will email the invoice to any parents who are set as ‘Bill Payer’ for that child. For further information on setting parents as bill payers, please refer to the Children -> Adding a Child documentation on the Support Portal.
  4. The user can generate a PDF of the invoice by clicking on this ‘Generate PDF’ button.
  5. The user can regenerate the invoice by clicking on this button. For further information on regenerating invoices, please refer to the Invoices -> Regenerating Invoices section of the Support Portal.
  6. The user can add an item to the invoice by clicking on this button. These items will be any products or services set up in the Global Settings or System Settings. For further information on setting up products and services, please refer to the Global Settings -> Products and Services documentation or the System Settings -> Products and Services documentation on the Support Portal. When adding an item to an invoice, a new window will appear in which the user can select the product/service they wish to add, as well as amending the quantity and price of the product/service. The user can add multiple items by clicking the ‘Add a new line’ button and then add these items to the invoice by clicking the ‘Add Item’ button.
  7. The user can delete the invoice using this button. Invoices can only be deleted if they are not locked and have no payments allocated to them.
  8. Information about the bill payers and the invoice are displayed here. The name and address of both bill payers will be displayed – if there is only one bill payer then the Bill Payer (2) section will be blank. The invoice date, due date, invoice from date and invoice to date will also be displayed along the top of the invoice. These dates are set up in the system settings. For further information on setting up invoice dates, please refer to the System Settings -> Invoice/Payments Settings on the Support Portal. The user can also add a reference by clicking on the pen icon.
  9. The first column on the invoice shows the type of session the child is being invoiced for. This is broken down into the individual weeks in the month.
  10. The second column shows a description of the session being invoiced for. This will show the day of the week and the hours the session is scheduled for.
  11. The third column shows the quantity/total hours the child is scheduled in for that session type over the week. 
  12. If the child receives funding, the amount of funded hours they received in that week are shown in this column. If a child does not receive funding, this column will not appear on the invoice. 
  13. This column shows the chargeable quantity/hours the child is invoiced for. This is the quantity/total hours take away the funded hours. If the child does not receive funding, this column will not appear on the invoice.
  14. The unit price of the session is displayed in this column. The unit price is set when creating the session types in the system settings. For further information on creating sessions and setting session rates, please refer to the System Settings -> Session Types documentation on the Support Portal.
  15. The total amount for each week is displayed in this column. The total amount is calculated as the quantity/total hours (or chargeable quantity/hours for funded children) multiplied by the unit price. The weekly total row will then give the sum of the total amounts for different session types, if applicable.
  16. At the bottom of the invoice is the total invoice amount due.