If you are having trouble connecting your tablet to the internet there are a few checks that can be done to try to resolve the issue. To get connected, follow the steps below:

  • Press the central button at the bottom on the tablet to return to the Home screen from anywhere.
  • From the Home screen click on the ‘Apps’ icon. Then click on the ‘Settings’ icon.
  • Under ‘Wireless and Networks’ on the left side, tap ‘Wi-Fi’ and a list of found networks will be displayed on the right.
  • If it says ‘Connected’ under your network name, skip to step 8.
  • If it shows ‘Connected’ under a network that is not yours, tap on that network and click on ‘Forget’ then move to step 7.
  • If it says ‘Saved, Secured’ then you are not connected to the internet. Tap on your network name and click ‘Connect’. If this works, skip to step 8. If not, tap your network name again and click ‘Forget’. Note: If you are connected to BT Open Zone you will need to ‘Forget’ this network.
  • Tap on your network name and it will ask you to enter your password. Type in your password and click ‘Connect’. Note: When you enter the password make sure you are using the ‘Wireless Password/PIN’ NOT the ‘Admin Key’ as found on the back of the router.
  • Once you are connected to your WiFi network, on the left side scroll down to ‘System’ and tap ‘Date and Time’. Check the date and time on the tablet are correct and the time zone is set to British Time. Note: If the date and time are incorrect the tablet will not be able to connect to the eyLog server in order to upload information.

If you are still experiencing problems or your tablets are locked down by eyLog, please contact our Support Team on 03300882008, at support@eylog.co.uk or using the ‘Help and Support’ widget on your Manager Dashboard login.