Parents will receive an email with an activation link once you tick ‘Share Data with Parent’ on their child’s profile. If the parent has not received the activation email, please double check the email address has been entered correctly on eyLog and ask them to kindly check their email Junk/Spam folder.
If a parents account has not been activated this will be show on your Manager’s login next to the parent details on the child’s profile page, from here you also can resend an activation link to the parent via email. Once the parent receives the email and clicks on the activation link they will be asked to enter a password and their child’s DOB to activate their account. Once they have done this they will be redirected to the login page where they can login using their username (email address) and the password they created.
If it's the case that when trying to open the link it doesn't work please contact eyLog Support on 03300882008 or via email to