The user can add a payment by navigating to the Payments screen and clicking the ‘+’ button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. This will open a ‘Payment – Create’ page in which the user can enter details about the payment.

  1. The user can select the child/children they would like to allocate the payment to by typing full or partial details into this field.
  2. The date of payment can be entered here. By default, this field will be automatically populated with the current date. The user can change the date by clicking in the field and selecting the required date from the calendar that appears.
  3. The user can select the payment mode from this drop-down menu. Payment mode menu options can be added, edited or deleted from the system via the Global Settings. For more information on this, please refer to the Global Settings -> Other Settings documentation.
  4. The payment amount can be entered in this field.
  5. The payment reference can be entered in this field.
  6. If the user would like to add any further notes on the payment, they can be entered in this field.
  7. The user can cancel, reset, save or save and allocate the payment by clicking on these buttons. If the user clicks ‘Save & Allocate Payment’ a ‘Payment – Allocate’ screen will open in which the user can allocate the payment to a certain invoice. For further information on allocating payments, please refer to the Payments -> Allocating a Payment documentation on the Support Portal.

Uploading Payments

The user can also add payments in bulk by uploading a payment csv fie. From the main Payments screen, click on the 'bulk payments upload' icon to upload a csv file:

This will open a ‘Payments File Upload’ window in which the user can select which csv file they wish to upload. The user can also download a template csv file which shows the format required by the system for payments to be uploaded. 

Once the file has been selected, the user can click 'Submit' to upload the payments. The payments will be listed showing the details entered into the csv file.

  1. The details entered into the payment csv file will be listed here. 
  2. The user can edit any payment by clicking the pen icon in the respective row.
  3. The user can delete any payment by clicking the bin icon in the respective row.
  4. The total amount being uploaded to the system is displayed here.
  5. The total number of payments being uploaded to the system is displayed here.
  6. The user can save the payments onto the system by clicking the ‘Save’ button. The payments will then be listed as ‘Not Allocated’ on the main Payments screen.
  7. The user can save the payments and allocate them to invoices by clicking ‘Save & Allocate’. The payments will be allocated to the oldest unpaid invoices first, if this setting has been activated in the system settings. For more information on this, please refer to the System Settings -> Invoice/Payments Settings documentation on the Support Portal.

If any of the rows are highlighted in red, this means there is an error in one of the fields for that payment. The following errors could occur:

  1. If a child’s URN has been entered incorrectly, hovering the cursor over the question mark will tell the user ‘Invalid URN’. The user can then click on the pen icon to edit the URN.
  2. If a child’s name has been entered incorrectly, the system will amend the name according to the child’s URN. If the user is happy that the name has been amended correctly, they can click the green tick to confirm this name. If not, the user can click the pen icon to change the child’s name.
  3. This error will occur when the payment mode entered does not match any payment modes set up on the system. Use the drop-down menu to select the relevant payment mode.
  4. If the date or amount paid has been entered in the incorrect format, this error will ask the user to change the value in that field. To change the value, click on the pen icon to edit the field.

Once any errors have been fixed, the user can save or save and allocate the payment as usual.