The Qualifications/Training page displays the qualifications, training courses and training entitlement for a staff member. This page is split into three sections which can be accessed using the tabs at the top of the page.


The Qualifications section displays a list of all the qualifications a staff member has received. 

To add a new qualification, click on the ‘+’ icon in the top right-hand corner of the page. This will open a pop-up window in which the user can enter details about the qualification.

  1. The qualification can be selected from this drop-down menu and must be previously mapped to the staff member’s roles in the global HR settings. For further information on mapping qualifications to staff roles, please refer to the Global Settings -> Other Settings documentation on the Support Portal.
  2. The qualification type can be selected from this drop-down menu, either Current, Working Towards, or Next Steps.
  3. The date the staff member is working towards completing this qualification can be entered here. Clicking on this field will open a calendar from which the user can select the required date.
  4. The date the qualification was issued/awarded on can be entered here. Clicking on this field will open a calendar from which the user can select the required date.
  5. The user can add any extra notes about the qualification in this field.

Once the user clicks ‘Save’, details of the qualification will be displayed in a list on the main Qualifications tab. 

Training Courses

Clicking on the Training Courses tab will open a list of all the training courses the staff member has attended. 

To add a new training course, click on the ‘+’ icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen. This will open a pop-up window in which the user can enter details about the training course.

  1. The training course can be selected from this drop-down menu.
  2. The type of training course can be selected from this drop-down menu, either Current or Working Towards.
  3. The date the training course was booked or completed on can be entered here. Clicking on this field will open a calendar from which the user can select the required date.
  4. The training course expiry date can be entered here. Clicking on this field will open a calendar from which the user can select the required date.
  5. The user can add any additional notes relating to the training course in this field.

Once the user clicks ‘Save’, details of the training course will be displayed in a list on the main Training Courses tab.

Training Entitlement

Clicking on the Training Entitlement tab will open a list of the staff member’s training entitlement. This list displays the training entitlement, used entitlement and the entitlement balance for each year. The user can view the entitlement allocation or override the training entitlement using the two icons on the right-hand side of the list.

If the user clicks the view icon the following page will open. From here the user can email or download a statement of the training entitlement.

If the user clicks the override icon the following pop-up window will open in which the user can change the staff member's training entitlement.