The Contract/Entitlement page displays the holiday entitlement and contract hours for a staff member.
- A summary of the staff member’s details is displayed here. This includes the staff member’s photo, their name and the room they work in.
- The entitlement year is listed in this column.
- The number of days the staff member is contracted to work per week is displayed in this column.
- The number of contract holiday days the staff member has in a year is displayed in this column.
- The staff member’s holiday entitlement in hours per year is displayed in this column.
- The number of hours the staff member has used from their holiday entitlement is displayed in this column.
- The total number of holiday hours the staff member has remaining is displayed in this column.
- The user can add entitlement by clicking on this icon. This will open a pop-up window in which the user can enter the entitlement year, the number of contract hours and days per week and the number of contract holiday days per year. There is also a tick box to indicate whether this staff member is temporary/casual staff.
- The five icons on the right-hand side of the list can be used to change the entitlement, view the entitlement, override the entitlement, transfer the entitlement or view the opening balance.
- These tick boxes are used to indicate which days of the week the staff member is contracted to work on.
- The number of contract hours per week can be entered in this field.
- The number of contract days per week can be entered in this field.
- This tick box can be used to indicate whether this staff member is temporary or casual staff.
- The number of original holiday contract days per year can be entered in this field.
- The number of current holiday contract days per year can be entered in this field.
- The number of holiday hours per year the staff member is entitled to can be entered in this field.
- The user can change the staff member’s contract to temp/casual staff by clicking on this icon to change the staff member’s contract type. This will open a pop-up window in which the original contract details will be displayed and the user can enter the new contract details.
- Once the user has entered the contract/entitlement information they can either reset the page or update the changes by clicking on these icons.