The Transactions/Payments section of a child’s profile is used to list the transactions on the child’s account. At the top of the page are three buttons which allow the user to edit the payment settings, email the statement to the parent marked as the bill payer and download a PDF or CSV file of the statement. The user has the option to download a statement for a selected date range.

The balance on the account is shown in a blue box. If the account is in credit, this number will be negative. The deposit on the account is shown in a red box.

By default, the list displays details of all invoices and payments linked to this child. However, the user can filter the list by type to show only invoices, payments, deposits or refunds/transfers.

Clicking on an invoice will open an ‘Invoice – View’ window in which the user can view, edit, email, download or delete the invoice. For more information on this please refer to the Children -> Invoices documentation on the Support Portal.

Clicking on a payment will open a ‘Payment – Allocate’ window, which displays details on the payment and its allocation.