Tags are used on the system to highlight details about staff or children from their profile summaries. The user can also filter a list of children or staff using the tags associated with them. For example, an ‘allergy’ tag could be created to highlight which staff or children have an allergy. The user could then look at the Allergy Report in the Reporting section of the Dashboard for further details on the allergies.
To create a tag, the user can click on the ‘+’ button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. This will open a ‘Tags – Create’ form, in which the user can enter the details of the tag.
- The name of the tag can be entered in this field.
- A brief description of the tag can be entered in this field.
- A colour for the tag can be selected using this drop-down menu. This will be used to identify the tag on the child and staff profiles.
- These tick boxes can be used to select whether the tag relates to children, staff or both.
Once the tags have been created, they will appear in a list on the Tags Setting page. The list displays the colour, name, description and status of the tag, as well as if the tag relates to staff, children or both. From this page the tags can be viewed, edited, deleted or have their status changed to active or inactive using the eye, pen, bin or tick buttons on the right-hand side of the list. A tag can be searched for by entering full or partial details into the blank fields at the top of the list. The list of tags can also be filtered using the drop-down menus at the top of the staff, child and status columns.
The tags can then be attributed to children and staff as specified when creating the tag. Once added to, for example, a child, the tag can be seen in the bottom left-hand corner of the child’s profile summary. The tag is displayed in a box with the colour as previously defined and the first letter of the tag’s name.