All reports relating to staff are listed on the right-hand side of the Reporting page. The user can hover their cursor over a report to see an explanation of the report. The reports are also explained below:

Activity Record
A report showing a list of staff scheduled on a selected day with space to write any activities.
Staff Emergency Contact Details
This enables you to view staff dietary and medical requirements, as well as emergency contact information.
Bradford Factor Report                
A report used as a means of measuring worker absenteeism. The theory is that short, frequent, and unplanned absences are more disruptive than longer absences. This helps to monitor absenteeism during a rolling twelve-month period. Results are colour coded with traffic light system - green, yellow or red. 
Staff Holiday Used/Balance
A report of all staff showing their full name, email address, job role, branch and their contract entitlement, holiday used and the balance for the selected year. 
Documents Report
A report on documents held for staff or children which can be filtered to a specific document.
Staff Hours Report
A report of staff hours worked for the selected month with customisable field names for the relevant weeks.
Events Report
A report on events recorded for staff which can be filtered to a specific event. 
Staff Scheduling Report
A report of staff scheduled hours for a selected period. This can be filtered to include or exclude absences and activities. 
HR Board Report
A report displaying details for either active or inactive staff members.
Staff Sign In/Out Sheet
A printable signing in sheet for staff for a selected period showing the scheduled staff and their session times, in/out time slots & signature field.
Minimum Wages Report
A report on staff pay rates per selected branch for a selected date, broken down into respective age categories.
Staff Qualifications/Training Courses 
This report enables you to identify any gaps in training and qualifications across your nursery, and plan for future staff development. As part of this suite of enhancements, you will find new global HR settings which allow you to add qualification levels and training courses to your eyMan system, including the option to define which level/course is higher. These qualifications and training can then be linked to a particular job role or multiple roles, and a minimum qualification and minimum training course for each position can be assigned. On the staff profile, the current qualification levels and any qualifications that the staff member is working towards can be added, along with training courses completed and booked for a future date.
Salaried Staff Hours
A report detailing the contracted hours, actual hours worked and any difference for the selected dates and branch (or all branches).
Staff Training Entitlement
A report of all staff showing their full name, branch and their training entitlement hours, hours used and their balance for the selected year.
Performance Scorecard Report - Staff
This gives financial key performance indicators across all rooms for a nursery (or multiple nurseries). This can be selected by week or by month and is a summary report of the number of staff members, paid hours worked, absence %, number of new starters and leavers, the wages as a percentage of  nursery income per room and the year-to-date wages as a percentage of nursery income per room, with totals for the nursery.
Staff Wages – Monthly
A report of staff hours worked for the selected month with employee URN, payroll ID, staff name, hours worked, sick dates & additional information. 
Staff Detail Changes Report
A list of all staff whose profile details have changed in the selected month.
Staff Wages - Weekly %
A report showing the nursery income by room, with the hours worked and wage values shown as a percentage of the income. 
Staff Details Summary Report
A summary report which displays key staff details and qualifications with the option to display multiple branches as well as inactive staff members.
Tags Report
A report showing all staff for a selected branch (or all branches) and their associated tags.
Staff Emails Report
A list of all staff showing their full name, URN, email address, branch and room.