All reports relating to children are listed on the left-hand side of the Reporting page. The user can hover their cursor over a report to see an explanation of the report. The reports are also explained below:
Activity Record A report showing a list of children scheduled on a selected day with space to write any activities. | Enquiries and Child Movements Summary This shows the total numbers of enquiries, visits, enrolments, starters, leavers, enrolments with future start dates, and leavers still active on eyMan for each room within a selected branch, or all branches. |
Allergies, Dietary Requirements and Medical Notes Report A report that can be filtered by room of children and their dietary requirements, medical notes, and allergies. | Events Report A report on events recorded for children which can be filtered to a specific event. |
Child Nappy Record A printable register and checklist for practitioners to manually enter when carrying out nappy checks. | Leavers Performance Report A report showing children who have left during the selected period with their reason for leaving and sibling details. |
Child Sleep Record A printable register and checklist for practitioners to manually enter when monitoring sleeping children. | Meal Details A weekly breakdown of selected products/services totals allocated per child on a daily basis. This can be used specifically for meal orders or for any other products/services. |
Children Birthdays A list of children who have their birthdays within the selected date range, giving their date of birth and age. This can be shown as a list or grouped by month. | Parent Emails Report A list of children with their respective parent email details.
Child Room Movement A report of the suitable rooms for a child based on their calculated age as of a selected date and the age range (in months) of the rooms. | Register Report A printable register report that can be generated by room and selective dates as a daily, weekly or weekday report to show the children scheduled for the respective days.
Children's Booking Pattern This is designed to give nursery staff an overview of all children’s schedules for a selected week. This can be filtered by branch and room and by session type (all sessions, regular sessions only, extra/additional sessions only). The report displays the child’s assigned room, child name, date of birth, age (as per the start of the selected week), gender, their start date, and their booking pattern. Please be aware that their session could be booked in a different room to the one assigned on their profile. Any child that has a future start date will also be included on the report and highlighted as a future starter. | A printable report used to note when sun cream is applied to a child.
Children Without A Booking A report of children who do not have a booking schedule for a selected week, excluding children marked as on holiday or term-time only children, where applicable. | Sticky Labels Report This enables the user to print sticky labels which may include a child's profile photo, their name, room, key worker and a QR code (reserved for future development), with the option to print multiple copies per room or per nursery. These are ideal for labelling drinks bottles, coat hooks, art folders and so on. |
Emergency Contacts An emergency contacts list for children which can be filtered by room. | Tags Report A report showing all children for a selected branch (or all branches) and their associated tags. |