When the user adds a staff member, they can continue the process to create a work schedule for that member of staff by clicking ‘Next’ on the ‘Bank Details – Create’ page. Alternatively, the staff member’s schedule can be created separately. To access the staff member’s schedule, click on the Staff menu option in the main menu on the left-hand side of the screen. This will open a grid view of staff profile summary boxes. To open the staff scheduling page, either click on the calendar icon in the staff member’s profile summary box or click on a staff member’s name to open their profile and select the Staff Scheduling section. This will open the staff scheduling page, as seen below.
- A summary of the staff member’s profile is displayed here. This includes a photo of the staff member, their name and the room they will be working in.
- The schedule automatically opens on the current week. The user can change the week being displayed by clicking on these two arrow icons.
- These two icons can be used to confirm or unconfirm sessions. This is only available to users with certain access levels.
- The number of hours the staff member is contracted to work in one week are displayed here. This can be changed in the Contract/Entitlement section of the staff member’s profile. For further information on this, please refer to the Staff -> Contract/Entitlement documentation on the Support Portal.
- The number of hours the staff member is already scheduled for in that week is displayed here. Any deduction defined in the HR settings will be automatically calculated (e.g. 30 minutes for every shift over 6 hours). For more information on HR settings, please refer to the System Settings -> HR Settings documentation on the Support Portal.
- The staff schedule will be displayed in week view by default. The user can change this to a month view or day view using these icons. The current day and any days where the staff member is not contracted to work are highlighted in darker colours.
- If the user wishes to see the schedule for a specific date, they can click on this icon to open a calendar. Clicking a date on the calendar will open the schedule for that date.
- The staff member’s schedule will be shown here. To create a new schedule, the user should click in one of the fields to open a ‘Schedule Staff’ form.
- The room the staff member will be scheduled to work in can be selected from this drop-down menu. These are the rooms as set up in the System Settings. For further information on creating rooms, please refer to the System Settings -> Rooms/Groups documentation on the Support Portal.
- The activity the staff member will be scheduled in to do can be selected from this drop-down menu. These are the activities as set up in the System Settings. For further information on creating activities, please refer to the System Settings -> Activities and Pay Types documentation on the Support Portal.
- The start date of the schedule booking pattern can be entered here. By default, this will be the date the user clicked on to book the schedule. To manually change this date, click on the field and select the required date from the calendar that appears.
- The finish date of the schedule booking pattern can be entered here. By default, this will be the same as the start date. To manually change this date, click on the field and select the required date from the calendar that appears.
- The start time of the schedule can be entered here. By default, the time the user clicked on to book the schedule will appear in this field, but it can be changed manually.
- The finish time of the schedule can be entered here. By default, this is half an hour after the start time, but can be changed manually.
- This drop-down menu is used to select how often this schedule pattern should be repeated, e.g. no repeat, weekly or daily.
- The days this schedule should be repeated on can be selected using these tick boxes.
- A summary of how the schedule is repeated is displayed here.
- The user can add any notes about the schedule pattern in this field.
- This tick box allows the user to indicate whether the staff member should be paid the step-up rate (as defined in the branch settings) whilst carrying out this scheduled activity. For further information on setting a step-up rate, please refer to the System Settings -> Branch/Nursery Settings documentation on the Support Portal.
Click ‘Save’ to add this booking pattern to the schedule. The schedule will be colour coordinated using the colours selected when creating the activity types. The schedule can be viewed in week, month or day format. In the month view, the total hours the member of staff is working in a day (without the HR deduction) is displayed in brackets next to the times they are scheduled to work.
To edit the schedule the user can double-click on the session they wish to change and overwrite the relevant fields in the form that appears. Upon clicking ‘Update’ a pop-up window will appear asking which sessions the user would like to edit. Clicking ‘Only this session’ means that only the session the user clicked on will be edited. Clicking ‘Following sessions’ will apply the changes to this session and all following sessions. Clicking ‘All sessions’ will apply the changes to all the sessions in this booking pattern.
To delete a session the user can double click on the session they wish to delete and click the ‘Delete’ icon at the bottom of the form that appears. This will open a pop-up window in which the user can decide which sessions they would like to delete. Clicking ‘Only this session’ will delete only the session initially selected by the user. Clicking ‘Following sessions’ will delete this session and the following sessions in this booking pattern. Clicking ‘All sessions’ will delete every session in this booking pattern.
Once sessions have been added they can be confirmed by clicking 'confirm sessions'. This will confirm all sessions on the selected view whether it is week, month or day. Once a session is confirmed, the colour of the sessions will turn to blue and they will no longer be able to be edited or deleted. Staff members on zero hour contracts will need to have their sessions confirmed in order to accrue holiday entitlement. Users with certain access are able to unconfirm sessions if they require amendment which they can do by clicking 'unconfirm sessions'.