The Other Settings page is split into four sections, which can be accessed via the tabs at the top of the screen. These sections are Enquiries, Payment Mode, HR Settings and Notifications:
This section is split into four sub-sections relating to four of the drop-down menus on the 'Enquiry - Create' form - Source, Contact, Reason and Lost Reason. From within these tabs the user can either edit or delete the existing menu items using the buttons on the right-hand side of the list.
The user can also add an item to be included in one of the drop-down menus. To do this, the user can click on the tab of the drop-down menu they wish to alter and click the '+' button that appears on the right-hand side of the page. This opens a box where the user can enter the name of the item to be included on the drop-down menu.
For further information on enquiry forms, please refer to the Enquiries -> Enquiries documentation on the Support Portal.
Payment Method
This section lists all the items in the Payment Mode drop-down menu on a child's profile and when adding a payment. It includes various methods a parent could use to make payments. The user can edit or delete these menu options using the buttons on the right-hand side of the list.
Further items can be added to the menu by clicking the '+' icon in the top right-hand corner of the page. This opens a form where the user can enter the name of the menu item they wish to create.
HR Settings
This section contains four sub-sections which can be accessed by switching between the tabs at the top of the list. The first tab is a list of all the menu items that will appear in the Job Titles drop-down menu on a staff member's profile. The second tab is a list of qualifications a staff member could have. The third tab is a list of training courses the staff member could have been on/be scheduled to attend. For more information on qualifications and training, see the Staff -> Qualifications/Training documentation on the Support Portal. The final tab is a list of menu items for the Additional Roles drop-down menu on a staff member's profile. Within these tabs the user can edit or delete the existing menu options by clicking on the buttons on the right-hand side of the list.
The user can also add their own menu items by clicking the '+' icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen, which opens a form where the user can enter the name of the menu option.
This page shows the notification options available on eyMan. This is only available to view and manage for users with Company Admin access rights.