Any event types the company needs to schedule for both staff and children can be added on this page. Examples of events include appraisals and bicycle training. The events 'Maternity', 'Pay Increase', 'Pay Decrease' and 'Contracted Hours Change' are set up on the system by default. These events cannot be changed as they are linked with other functions on the system - for further information on this, please refer to the Staff -> Events documentation on the Dashboard. To add an event, click on the '+' button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. This will bring up a 'Staff/Child Event - Create' form.
- The name of the event type can be entered in this field.
- A description of the event type can be entered in this field.
- The name of the first date can be entered in this field, i.e. date effective from.
- The name of the second date can be entered in this field, i.e. date effective to.
- A title name to explain what data needs to be captured can be entered in this field, i.e. amount to increase pay.
- A title name for the notes column, which can be used to add further notes about the event type, can be entered here.
- These two tick boxes can be used to indicate whether this event relates to staff or children. The user can tick both boxes if the event relates to both staff and children.
The event types created will be displayed in a list on the Event Types page. From here an event type can be viewed, edited, deleted or have its status changed to either active or inactive using the buttons on the right-hand side of the list. An event type can be searched for by entering full or partial details into any of the blank fields at the top of the list.
The event types marked as active will then form a drop-down menu on the 'Staff/Child Event Type' form on the staff/child profile. Once the user has clicked on the name of the event, the window will become populated with the rest of the fields set up in the Event Types settings. For further information on adding events to a staff or child profile, please refer to the Staff -> Events documentation or the Children -> Events documentation on the Support Portal.