To add a member of staff, open the Staff section from the main menu on the left-hand side of the page and click on the ‘+’ icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen. This opens a ‘Profile – Create’ form in which the user can enter details of the new staff member.
- The user can upload a photo of the staff member by clicking the ‘Upload Photo’ icon.
- The user can select the staff member’s title using this drop-down menu.
- The staff member’s first name and last name can be entered in these fields. These are both mandatory fields.
- The staff member’s preferred name can be entered in this field.
- The staff member’s URN will be automatically entered in this field.
- The staff member’s gender can be selected from this drop-down menu.
- The staff member’s marital status can be selected from this drop-down menu.
- This tick box allows the user to indicate whether the staff member’s date of birth is unavailable. This box will be ticked by default, but the user can untick it and enter the staff member’s date of birth in the field that appears.
- The staff member’s position within the nursery can be selected from this drop-down menu.
- The date the staff member started working at the nursery can be entered here. This field needs to be populated before the staff member can be assigned contracted hours and holiday entitlement. When the user clicks on this field a calendar will appear from which they can select the required date.
- The date the staff member left the nursery can be entered in this field.
- The staff member’s contract type, either permanent or temporary, can be selected from this drop-down menu.
- This tick box can be used to indicate whether this staff member is a salaried employee.
- This drop-down menu can be used to select an additional position within the nursery that the staff member may have.
- The staff member’s preferred activity can be selected from this drop-down menu. The menu items in this list are the staff activities as set up in the System Settings. For further information on creating staff activities, please refer to the System Settings -> Activities and Pay Types documentation on the Support Portal.
- The preferred room in which the staff member will be working can be selected from this drop-down menu. These are the rooms as set up in the System Settings. For further information on creating rooms please refer to the System Settings -> Rooms/Groups documentation on the Support Portal. This will be the default room when scheduling a member of staff, although this can be changed.
- The user can select the staff member’s key children by entering full or partial details into this blank field and selecting the relevant children.
- The staff member’s home address can be entered in these fields.
- The staff member’s phone numbers (e.g. mobile number and landline number) can be entered in these fields.
- The staff member’s primary email address can be entered in this field. This will be the email address they use to log in to eyMan (if the ‘eyMan Login Allowed’ button is ticked).
- This tick box is used to indicate whether this member of staff is allowed to log in to eyMan.
- A secondary email address can be entered in this field.
- The staff member’s level can be entered in this field.
- The staff members National Insurance Number can be entered in this field.
- The staff member’s DBS Number can be entered in this field.
- The hourly cost uplift can be entered in this field.
- The basic hourly rate can be entered in this field.
- This tick box can be used to indicate whether the staff member works in term time only.
- This tick box can be used to indicate whether the staff member is temporary or casual staff.
- The staff member’s next of kin details can be entered in these fields, including their name, their relationship to the staff member and their contact details.
- Details of a second next of kin can be added in these fields.
- These tick boxes are used to indicate whether this member of staff can publish observations, is a reviewer or if they have an eyLog staff login.
- These icons are used to cancel or reset the form, save the form, or continue to the next stage of adding a staff member. Clicking ‘Next’ will also save the details added on this page.
Clicking on the ‘Next’ icon will take the user to the ‘General Details – Create’ page in which the user can enter details on the staff member’s cultural and medical information.
- A summary of the staff member’s profile will be displayed here. This includes their photo, name and the room they will be working in.
- The staff member’s ethnic origin can be selected from this drop-down menu.
- The staff member’s religion can be selected from this drop-down menu.
- The staff member’s disabled registration number can be entered in this field.
- If English is not the staff member’s first language, their ESOL level can be selected from this drop-down menu.
- The staff member’s nationality can be entered in this field.
- The staff member’s cultural preferences can be entered in this field.
- The staff member’s first language can be entered in this field.
- If the staff member has a disability, details of the disability can be entered in this field.
- Any details of dependents can be entered in this field.
- If the staff member has any dietary requirements, they can be entered in this field.
- If the staff member has any medical requirements, they can be entered in this field.
- If the staff member has any additional learning needs, details of these needs can be entered in this field.
- If the staff member has any additional social needs, details of these needs can be entered in this field.
- These tick boxes can be used to attribute certain details to a staff member, for example if they can drive, if they are disabled or if they are willing to be used in promotional material.
- These icons are used to cancel or reset the page, return to the previous page, save the details entered in this page, or continue to the next stage of adding a staff member. Clicking ‘Next’ will also save the details entered in this page.
Clicking on the ‘Next’ icon will take the user to the ‘Bank Details – Create’ page in which the user can enter the staff member’s bank details.
- A summary of the staff member’s profile is displayed here. This includes the staff member’s photo, name and the room they will be working in.
- The staff member’s payroll company can be entered in this field.
- The staff member’s payroll ID can be entered in this field.
- The name of the staff member’s bank can be entered in this field.
- The name of the staff member’s bank account can be entered in this field.
- The staff member’s bank account number can be entered in this field.
- The staff member’s bank account sort code can be entered in this field.
- These icons allow the user to cancel or reset the page, return to the previous page, save the details entered in this page, or continue to the next stage of adding a staff member. Clicking ‘Next’ will also save the details entered on this page.
Clicking on ‘Next’ will take the user to the ‘Staff Scheduling’ page where the user can create the staff member’s schedule. For more information on creating a staff member's schedule, please refer to the Staff -> Staff Scheduling documentation on the Support Portal.