When eyMan is set for the user’s nursery the Support Team will create a Demo Child to allow the user to get hands-on experience with the system without affecting any actual child information.

A child can be added in two ways. The first method is via the Enquiries section. If the user adds the child as a new enquiry, the child’s profile can be moved to the ‘Registration Form’ pipeline (see the Enquiries documentation of the Support Portal for further information). This will send a registration form (seen below) to the child’s parent. Once the parent has filled in and returned this form and the child is enrolled, these details will automatically create a profile for the child using these details. The user could then proceed to add the child’s schedule. For details on how to create a schedule for a child, please refer to the Children -> Child Scheduling documentation on the Support Portal.

The second method is to add a child manually. To add a child, open the Children section and click on the ‘+’ icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen. This opens a ‘Profile – Create’ form in which the user can enter details about the new child.

  1. A photo of the child can be uploaded by clicking on ‘Upload Photo’.
  2. The first name, middle name and last name of the child can be entered in these fields. The child’s first name and last name are mandatory fields.
  3. The child’s URN is automatically generated by the system and is displayed in this field.
  4. The child’s preferred name can be entered in this field.
  5. The child’s gender can be selected from this drop-down menu. This is a mandatory field.
  6. The child’s date of birth can be entered here. When the user clicks on this field a calendar will appear from which the user can select the required date. The child’s date of birth is a mandatory field.
  7. The child’s enrolment date can be entered here. When the user clicks on this field a calendar will appear from which the user can select the required date.
  8. The child’s start date can be entered here. When the user clicks on this field a calendar will appear from which the user can select the required date.
  9. The child’s leave date will be displayed here. This is automatically calculated as the 31st August after the child’s 4th or 5th birthday, depending on the age input in the System Settings. For more information on this, please refer to the System Settings -> Branch/Nursery Settings documentation on the Support Portal. The user can manually change the leave date by clicking on the field and selecting the required date from the calendar.
  10. The child’s address can be input in these fields.
  11. The child’s birth certificate number can be entered in this field.
  12. The room the child will be entering can be selected from this drop-down menu. This menu lists the rooms used for child sessions as set up in the System Settings. For further information on adding rooms please refer to the System Settings -> Rooms/Groups documentation on the Support Portal.
  13. The child’s key person can be selected from this drop-down menu. This menu lists the staff set up on the system. For further information on adding staff, please refer to the Staff documentation on the Support portal.
  14. If the child is eligible for a discount on all their sessions, e.g. an armed forces discount, the discount percentage can be entered here.
  15. If the child has links with a staff member, the staff member can be selected from this drop-down menu. For example, a child may receive a staff discount on their sessions if they are linked with a member of staff. This is not to be confused with the child’s key worker.
  16. The session the child will be booked into most, i.e. their preferred session, can be selected from this drop-down menu. This menu lists the sessions as set up in the System Settings. For further information on sessions, please refer to the System Settings -> Session Types documentation on the Support Portal. This field is used when calculating income forecast values for equally spread monthly invoices to give a breakdown by rooms/groups.
  17. The booking type can be selected from this drop-down menu. The options are permanent, shift or emergency booker.
  18. These tick boxes can be used to select if the child is term time only, funded only, active (this box should remain ticked whilst the child is at the nursery), a looked after child (LAC), pupil premium, child of concern and if the child has siblings at the nursery. If the user’s system if integrated with eyLog, this will update the eyLog cohort groups for the child. Funding cohort groups are automatically updated when funding is allocated to a child.
  19. The user can save the profile at this point by clicking ‘Save’ or can continue to the next stage of adding a child, parental details, by clicking on ‘Next’. Clicking ‘Next’ will also save the details added on this page.

If the user clicks the ‘Save’ button a new ‘Enrol Sibling’ icon will appear at the top of the form. Clicking on this button will open a new ‘Profile – Create’ form in which the user can enter details of the sibling.

Clicking the ‘Next’ button will take the user to the ‘Parental Details – Create’ form where they can add details for up to six parents/carers.

  1. The child’s details will be summarised here. This area displays the child’s profile photo, their name and their age in years, months and days. It also shows which room the child will be going in to.
  2. A photo of the parent/carer can be added by clicking the ‘Upload Photo’ button.
  3. These tick boxes are used to set the responsibilities of the parent. Ticking ‘Authorised to Collect’ allows the parent to collect their child from the nursery. Ticking ‘Emergency Contact’ means the parent will be the point of contact in case of emergency. Ticking ‘Bill Payer’ means the invoices will be sent to this parent’s email address. Ticking ‘Parental Responsibility’ means this person has legal parental responsibility for this child.
  4. The parent’s title can be selected here using this drop-down menu.
  5. The first and last name of the parent can be entered in these fields. The parent’s first name is a mandatory field.
  6. The parent’s primary email address can be entered here. If this matches the email address of a parent already on the system (e.g. the child is a sibling) the user will be given the option to copy the existing parent details. When selected, the children will be marked as siblings and any update to this parent’s details will automatically update the parent details for any other sibling.
  7. The parent’s mobile number can be entered in this field.
  8. The parent’s date of birth can be entered here. When the user clicks on this field a calendar will appear from which the user can select the required date.
  9. The relationship the parent/carer has to the child can be entered here, e.g. mother, father, grandmother etc.
  10. The parent’s address can be entered in these fields. If the parent/carer lives at the same address as the child, the address can be copied over from the child’s profile by clicking ‘Copy from child’.
  11. The parent’s home phone number can be entered in this field.
  12. The parent’s employer can be entered in this field.
  13. The department the parent works in can be entered here.
  14. The parent’s occupation can be entered in this field.
  15. The parent’s work phone number can be entered here.
  16. The parent’s work email address can be entered here.
  17. If the parent has a disability it can be entered in this field.
  18. The parent’s national insurance number can be entered in this field.
  19. When adding a second parent’s details, if this parent lives in the same address as the first parent, the address can be copied across from the first parent by clicking ‘Copy from parent 1’.
  20. The user can add up to six parents/carers.
  21. Once all the parents/carers have been added the user can save the changes by clicking ‘Save’ or continue to the next stage of adding a child, general details, by clicking ‘Next’. Clicking ‘Next’ will also save the details added on this page.

Clicking on ‘Next’ will take the user to the ‘General Details – Create’ form where they can enter general details about the child.

  1. A summary of the child’s details is displayed here. The child’s profile photo, name and age in years, months and days are shown. The room the child will be joining is also displayed.
  2. If the user arrived at this screen by clicking the ‘Next’ icon on the Parental Details page, this message will appear letting the user know the parent details have been successfully added for this child.
  3. The primary payment mode can be selected using this drop-down menu. The options in this drop-down menu are set up in the Global Settings. For further information on this please refer to the Global Settings -> Other Settings documentation on the Support Portal.
  4. The payment terms can be selected using this drop-down menu, e.g. by the 1st, payment plan, direct debit etc.
  5. A tax-free credit code can be entered in this field.
  6. A voucher code can be entered in this field.
  7. The ethnicity of the child can be selected using this drop-down menu.
  8. The child’s religion can be selected using this drop-down menu.
  9. If the child has a vulnerability, e.g. a learning difficulty, physical disability, English as an additional language etc, it can be selected using this drop-down menu.
  10. The health visitor’s name can be entered in this field.
  11. The health visitor’s contact number can be entered in this field.
  12. The health visitor’s address can be entered in this field.
  13. Any notes on the health visitor can be entered here.
  14. This tick box allows the user to indicate whether the child has special educational needs or a disability.
  15. This tick box allows the user to indicate whether the child is assessed against the Common Assessment Framework (CAF). The CAF is a standardised approach for the assessment of children and their families to facilitate the early identification of additional needs and to promote a coordinated service response.
  16. The child’s first language can be entered in this field.
  17. This tick box allows the user to indicate if the child has English as a second language.
  18. The name and contact number of a social worker can be entered in these fields.
  19. The name of the Local Authority can be entered in this field.
  20. The name of the school can be entered in this field.
  21. The name of the school class can be entered in this field.
  22. The name of the school teacher can be entered in this field.
  23. The school’s phone number can be entered here.
  24. The school day end can be entered here. When the user clicks on this field a calendar will appear from which the user can select the required date.
  25. A collection password can be entered here.
  26. The school start time can be entered in this field.
  27. If the child has any allergies they can be entered in this field.
  28. If the user wishes to add any extra notes they can be added here.
  29. If the child has any dietary requirements, they can be entered in this field.
  30. A reason for leaving can be entered here.
  31. If the child has a sibling, the sibling’s details can be entered here.
  32. These tick boxes allow the user to indicate which permissions the parent has given the nursery.
  33. These tick boxes indicate whether the child can go on outings on foot or off premises.
  34. These tick boxes indicate whether the child can be included in online and media content.
  35. The user can save the details added on this page by clicking ‘Save’ or continue to the next stage of adding a child, medical details, by clicking on ‘Next’. Clicking on ‘Next’ will also save the changes made on this page.

Clicking on ‘Next’ will open the ‘Medical Details – Create’ form in which the user can add medical details about the child.

  1. A summary of the child’s details is displayed here. The child’s profile photo, name and age in years, months and days are shown. The room the child will be joining is also displayed.
  2. The name of the child’s doctor can be entered in this field.
  3. The doctor’s phone number can be entered in this field.
  4. The doctor’s address can be entered in this field.
  5. Any medical notes or a description of the child’s medication can be entered here.
  6. These tick boxes can be used to indicate any illnesses the child has had.
  7. These tick boxes can be used to indicate any immunisations the child has had.
  8. These tick boxes can be used to indicate if the child has any visual impairments, respiratory problems or is taking regular medication.
  9. The user can save the details they have added by clicking ‘Save’ or can move to the next stage of adding a child, child scheduling, by clicking ‘Next’. Clicking ‘Next’ will also save the changes made on this page.

Clicking on ‘Next’ will open the Child Scheduling section in which the user can create the child’s schedule. For further information on this please refer to the Children -> Child Schedule documentation on the Support Portal.