The occupancy charts provide an overview of the number of children booked into all rooms/groups in a nursery.

To access the occupancy charts, hover the cursor over the side menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Click on the ‘+’ button next to the Occupancy menu option. This will open three more menu options: Daily, Average and Availability.

Clicking on the Daily menu option will open a chart showing the daily occupancy per hour for each room within the nursery.

Clicking on the Average menu option will open a chart showing the average occupancy for each room for every day of the month.

Clicking on the Availability menu option will open a chart showing the occupancy of each room for each day of the month, split into morning and afternoon sessions. The number of spaces available for that session is displayed under the occupancy for the room.

For more information on these occupancy charts, please refer to the relevant documentation on the Occupancy Charts section of the Support Portal.