This page displays the branch/nursery details and is pre-populated by the Support Team with the information provided by the nursery on the eyMan set-up form. It is possible for the user to edit the details on this page by clicking the 'Edit' button at the bottom of the screen. The fields on this page are used as mail merge fields in the Invoice/Payment Settings sections. For further information on this please refer to the System Settings -> Invoice/Payment Settings page of the Support Portal.

  1. The logo for the branch/nursery can be added here by clicking the 'Upload Photo' button.
  2. The name of the branch/nursery can be entered in this field.
  3. This box is used to indicate whether this branch operates as an office. Leave this box unticked if the branch operates as a nursery. Branches that are marked as an office will not be shown on the global enquiry form drop-down list.
  4. The branch/nursery URN can be entered here.
  5. This box is used to indicate whether the branch/nursery is active or inactive - this should be left ticked for an active branch.
  6. The address of the branch/nursery can be entered in these fields.
  7. The telephone number of the branch/nursery can be entered here.
  8. The website address of the branch/nursery can be entered in this field.
  9. The email address of the branch/nursery can be entered here.
  10. The operation start and finish times can be entered in these fields. Operation hours are the hours during which staff will be working at the nursery.
  11. The operation days of the nursery can be selected using these tick boxes. The operation days are the days on which staff will be working in the nursery. These days will then show on the child and staff schedules.
  12. The core start and end times can be entered in these fields. These are the hours in which child sessions can be scheduled. These cannot be set before or after the operation start and finish times respectively. The core hours will be used on occupancy charts.
  13. The core days of the nursery can be selected using these tick boxes. These are the days that the child sessions can be booked on. The user cannot select a day as a core day without also selecting it as an operation day.
  14. The start time for staff bookings can be entered in this field.
  15. The finish time for staff bookings can be entered in this field.
  16. The nursery's Ofsted registration URN and Department for Education registration can be entered in these fields.
  17. The capacity of the nursery can be entered here. This is the capacity of each room added together, not the total number of children enrolled at the nursery.
  18. The lower wage percentage can be entered here. This is used on the % wage report, as explained below.
  19. The upper wage percentage can be entered here. This is used on the % wage report. This report displays what percentage of income is used towards staff wages. The lower and upper wage percentages give the acceptable range that this percentage of income can lie within.
  20. The step-up rate can be entered here. The step-up rate is the amount of money per hour a staff member gets paid on top of their usual hourly rate for working additional roles.
  21. The currency the nursery uses can be set by selecting it from this drop-down menu.
  22. The eyLog API Key is used when eyLog has been integrated with eyMan, and is the same as the eyLog Serial ID. This cannot be changed.
  23. The eyLog API Password is used when eyLog has been integrated with eyMan and is the same as the eyLog password - they do not look the same due to encryption.
  24. The eyLog API URL is used when eyLog has been integrated with eyMan.
  25. This tick box allows the user to enable eyLog integration. This is only available to users with super admin access rights.
  26. The eyLog branch/nursery ID is automatically filled in by the system in this field.
  27. This drop-down menu allows the user to select when the session rate changes as a result of an age change, either the following week or following month after the child's birthday.
  28. This tick box enables minimum booking fees to be applied across the branch. For more information on this please refer to the System Settings -> Session Types -> Multiple Rates as per Hours/Week documentation on the Support Portal.
  29. This tick box allows the user to determine if the system shows notifications. The notifications will appear on the Dashboard in the Notifications box and the Staff Events/Documents box.
  30. The child limit of the nursery can be entered here. This is the maximum number of active children enrolled at the nursery. The child limit dictates the cost of the eyMan software license. Further information on software license fees can be found on This field is only available to users with super admin access rights.
  31. The staff limit of the nursery can be entered in this field. This field is only available to users with super admin access rights.
  32. The unique URL for the registration form can be generated by clicking the button next to this field. This will be generated for the user by the Support Team. When a parent submits a registration form this will automatically trigger a notification.
  33. The unique URL for the enquiry form can be generated by clicking the button next to this field. This will be generated for the user by the Support Team.
  34. This tick box allows the user to determine if the system should include any un-invoiced sessions from the previous month in the current month's invoice. A child must have a start date for this function to work.
  35. This tick box allows the user to determine if the system allows children to be added.
  36. The morning/afternoon session split time can be entered in this field. This is used on occupancy availability charts.
  37. The first day of the week can be set in this field using the drop-down menu.
  38. The age after which a child leaves the nursery can be entered in this field. This is used to automatically calculate and set the child's leave date. For example, if the age is set to 4, the child's leave date will be set as the 31st August after their 4th birthday.