One of the features of eyLog is that the system will automatically produce a Two Year Progress Report with the mandatory aspects when the child reaches a certain age. This is generally between 24 and 36 months and will have been chosen by you as part of the initial ‘Setup Details’ form. Please see the 'Customise your Settings' help document for how you can at any time change the age that this report form is created.

You may also wish to create additional progress reports for example, when a child moves from one nursery/room to another, termly reports or at the local authorities’ request. Creating additional summative reports can be done easily at any time from the Manager Dashboard. To create a summative report follow the steps below:

Once you are logged in, click on the ‘Reports’ tab. 

From this screen you will be able to see a list of existing reports, which can be filtered by selecting a group from the drop down listing and clicking ‘View’. To create a new report, click on ‘Add’

Note: You need to select and view the child’s group before clicking ‘Add’ as the next screen will only show children in that particular group. 

A pop up box will appear with the selected group at the top. Click on the child’s name in the drop down list under ‘Select Child’ to choose the child you wish to create the report for. 

Note: Only children from the group shown will be available to select.

Then click on the child’s name in the dropdown list under ‘Select Child’ to choose the child you wish to create the report for. 

Note: Only children from the group shown will be available to select.

To create summative reports for all the children in a group, select ‘ALL’. The system will then generate multiple reports with the name and date entered below for each of the children in this group.

You can type a name for the report such as ‘Settling In Report’ or ‘End of Term Summary’ and select a date. The date of the report will be used to capture the snapshot of the child’s progress as of that date. Note: The system will not allow you to choose a date in the future however this can be updated at any time on the report itself to ensure a continuously accurate snapshot.

Then click on ‘Start Report’ and the system will produce a draft report.

The report will contain each of the seven learning areas showing the child’s progress against each aspect within that area, as per the date of the report. You can click on ‘Edit’ under the ‘Current Progress’ and ‘Areas of Development’ for any of the learning sections, to add comments, then click ‘Save’.  

If there are areas you feel are not relevant to the child/report you can remove them by ticking the checkbox next to ‘Remove/Hide’ in the top right corner of that section. Siularly you can remove the ‘Current Progress’ or ‘Next Steps’ sections using the relevant ‘Remove/Hide’ checkbox. The report will now be saved and will be visible on both the Managers Dashboard and the tablets .

The report will then be available for staff to edit on the tablets. Once a practitioner is logged in, click on the ‘Reports’ button in the task bar. A list of all the reports will be shown in chronological order. You can filter the report list by type using the 'Type' filter, scroll down to the relevant report and tap anywhere on it to open.

The report will load with any saved changes and can then be edited/updated similarly to the web interface. 

Note: Changes made on the tablets will then be reflected in the Managers Dashboard view so that the report is a continuous working document.

The report can be completed over time using the ‘Edit’ and ‘Save’ buttons for each of the text boxes.

Once it is complete the report can be published to the child’s parent for review. More junior members of staff may not have this capability and will need to click ‘Submit for Review’. This will then be saved in the Summative Reports list to be reviewed and published by a senior member of staff. 

Note: Once they have submitted the report for review this member of staff will no longer be able to make any changes and will have Read Only access to the draft. Senior members of staff will then need to log on and click on the ‘Summative Reports’ button to find the report in ‘Pending Review’ status.

Once the senior member of staff is happy with the report they can click ‘Publish to Parent’ and ‘OK’ to submit the report to the child’s parents to review and add their comments.


Note: Once the report has been submitted to the parent it will become Read Only and staff will NOT be able to make any further changes unless the report is changed back to a draft status.

The status of the report will now be ‘Pending Parent Review’ and will be visible on both the Managers Dashboard and the tablets by filtering the respective Summative Reports list.

From your Managers login, the report can be download as a PDF document and printed if required. You can also add comments on behalf of a parent if they do not have access to a computer or the parent app. In this case you can also complete the report by clicking ‘Submit to Complete’ then ‘OK’ to confirm.

The status of the report will now be ‘Completed’ and will be visible on both the Managers Dashboard and the tablets by filtering the respective Summative Reports list.