New Developments and Enhancements

  • Implemented the ability for the following reports to be run for multiple branches as well as by branch/nursery level tags; Invoice Amount Report, Monthly Debtors Report, Occupancy/FTE Report - Average, Occupancy/FTE Report - Monthly and the Enquiries and Child Movement Summary Report.  
  • Staff order on the Daily/Weekly/Monthly staff scheduling when viewing the consolidated room view is now shown in the room then alphabetical order. 
  • Updates list of languages and religions to staff/children profiles. 
  • Holiday Pay Rate - When adding a branch calendar event you now have the option when marking an event as a holiday to choose whether the nursery is actually closed or not. In cases where the nursery is not closed and this is left unticked, where staff are still scheduled the system will add the additional holiday pay rate that can be set up in Global Settings > HR > Roles/Q&T > Job Titles. This is then reflected in our staff hours report when doing payroll. 
  • Added an extra AM and PM column to the Suncream report to allow for multiple applications to be recorded throughout the day. 
  • New Weekly Occupancy View - We have added a new way to view occupancy in one go. A group by week option has been implemented to allow you to see your places occupied, availability, occupancy FTE and occupancy % at ease either by full-day or AM/PM split. When clicking on your places occupied you will see the child's profile picture, name, date of birth, start date, leave date, age, times of their session, session name and the days booked. The children's names are clickable to take you straight to their profile. We are working on more views/options so keep an eye out on our next release notes. 


  • Bug fixes and minor enhancements