New Developments and Enhancements
- Added the option for [[NurseryManager]] as a placeholder to the Child Profile form email template.
- When hovering over icons on the children and staff page we have now added labels to show what they mean.
- When message delivery is set to internal we are now showing the message status ie opened.
- On the Income Forecast Report, when viewing by children we have added a breakdown of the products/services as well as a total for each.
- Added more filters when sending invoices in bulk.
- On the Payments Report when including credit notes we are now displaying them in a separate column and we have added a clickable reference when they are used as fees.
- On the Bradford Factor report, we have now added a percentage to the absent types.
- Added the ability to regenerate equally spread invoices either within an individual invoice or on the main invoice screen.
- When changing a staff members contract type the training entitlement was showing incorrectly.
- Even though 'Exclude product/service from discount' was enabled when adding an item manually to an invoice this was being discounted.
- If funding was used against 2 weeks in separate months only 1 invoice number was showing against that week's funding allocations. Now we are displaying both invoice numbers.