New Developments and Enhancements:
- The religion field has been updated to include Jehovah's Witness as an option.
- Major new functionality has been introduced to enable users to add/edit permissions on the children's general details page. Any changes made here will be reflected on the custom reports, child profile PDF and update form, as well as registration forms. The permissions can be edited from Global Settings>Other Settings>Permissions
- On the children's profile, a tick box has been added under medical details titled 'All Immunisations Up To Date'. This is reflected on the custom reports, child profile PDF and update form, as well as registration forms.
- The ability to link directly to child profile update forms and registration forms from the documents list has been added.
- On the enquiry forms, registration forms and child profile forms, additional checks for valid symbols have been added to the email address field.
- Improvements have been made to the efficiency of the child CSV import process and opening balances can now be imported from this screen as well (as a separate CSV).
- Enhancements have been made to the income forecast display so that various events that occur across the system will trigger a recalculation to make the forecast as accurate and up-to-date as possible.
- The nursery selection field will now change dynamically based on the size of the nursery name.
- A company dashboard has been introduced to give an overview of multiple branches and this can be toggled from the dashboard screen.
Debtors' Letters
- We have now implemented the ability to be able to create your own letters to send to parents that have an outstanding balance. These are fully customisable, can have tags added and can be specified to go out automatically on a date of your choice. You will find this option in Global Settings > Other Settings > Letters. We will be adding additional categories of letters over the next few months. Please note that mail merge fields can be selected within the body of the letter by using square double brackets [[ then selecting from the drop-down list available.
- On the enquiries screen, the parent details are now visible in the pipeline view and the age of the child is shown in brackets after their name. A sort field has been introduced to allow the user to view enquiries by order of the child's first name or last name, the parent first name or last name and the date the enquiry was last updated. Hovering over the "i" icon gives the user more information about the last time the record was updated.
- The bulk funding allocation screen has been enhanced to freeze the page headers so that these are visible as you scroll through the list of children and enable you to select the band for deprivation weighting.
- Core hours are restricted to fall within the operational hours.
- Customisable letters have been introduced to enable you to send payment reminders for outstanding debt. These letters can be sent manually or automatically on a set date for all accounts with a balance greater than the value you set. These can be configured in Global Settings>Other Settings>Letters.
- "Remember Me" functionality has been implemented on the login screen so that your user name can be automatically entered, if required.
- A maximum booking time has been added to the session type which works in the same way as the minimum booking time when 'Allow booking b/w start and finish time' is selected. It restricts booking to the maximum time period selected. Extra values 420, 480, 540 and 600 minutes have been added.
- Improvements to eyMan/eyLog integration messages have been made.
Invoices and Payments
- The maximum product/service rate has been increased to 99999.99
- A disconnect option has been introduced for SagePay/Stripe/GoCardless payment gateways.
- The ability to see which manual invoices are locked and the functionality to unlock them has been added.
- Invoices are now addressed to all bill payers on a child's account on a single invoice.
- When a payment is added to an invoice from the invoice screen and the date is set as a future date, a warning message is now shown as per the functionality on the main payments screen.
'Credits available' on an invoice now shows the balance as well as the original credit amount.
- When a staff holiday has been accepted/declined, the accept/decline buttons are no longer displayed on the notification.
- The Children's Room Movement Report has been enhanced to display both automatic room movement changes and manual room movement changes.
- The spacing on the PDF for the Weekly Register Report, displayed by session type, has been increased to improve spacing.
- A PDF download option has been added to the Income Forecast Report.
- On the reports menu, for any reports where you have the option to select branches, the drop down list will be displayed in alphabetical order.
- Dietary requirements as well as allergies are now included in the Meal Details Report.
- A date range has been added to the Staff Details Summary Report to show all staff members who are active/inactive between the selected dates.
- The religion field has been updated to include Jehovah's Witness as an option.
- Change Entitlement functionality has been added for holiday years that run from April - March, September - August and May - April. This was previously only available for holiday years January - December.
The ability to link directly to staff profile update forms from the documents list has been added.
Improvements have been made to the efficiency of the staff CSV import process.
When uploading a document, the path name is hidden and an eye icon is displayed. Clicking the eye icon document should download/open the document.
Bug Fixes:
- An issue where the child's room changed before the effective date of the manual room movement has been resolved .
- A bug where apostrophes were not permitted in the parent/carer email address on registration forms has been resolved.
- An error where the day was blocked in white when no children were scheduled in a room has been corrected on the occupancy chart.
- On a child's funding screen, a bug has been corrected where academic years overlapped, so that all funding years did not display.
- When adding a 2 year funding code, a bug has been corrected where the user could not save the data.
- A bug where future room movements were not displayed on the automatic room movement page has been corrected.
- A bug where not all children were displayed on the map view of the children's menu/enquiries page has been corrected.
- On the dashboard, a bug has been fixed where duplicate child numbers were shown at the session start/finish time.
- A bug where some overdue invoices did not appear has been resolved.
- A bug where the nursery manager did not get correctly assigned to the branch on integration with eyMan has been resolved.
- Minor incompatibility issues with the Safari browser have been resolved.
- An error on notifications where the date of the notification changed to the date read has been corrected.
- Various minor grammar and spelling errors have been corrected.
Invoices and Payments
- A bug where duplicate transfers were created when the transfer button was double-clicked, has been resolved.
- An issue where the GoCardless direct debit request link did not work within Outlook has been resolved.
- An issue with emailing the invoice statement, where the 'reply to' email was picked up from the 'from' field and not the reply to field has been resolved.
- A bug has been fixed where deleting a deposit gives the incorrect warning message.
- A bug has been fixed where payments were not removed from older versions of regenerated invoices.
- A bug has been fixed where an un-invoiced session from a previous month could not be allocated any remaining funding.
- A bug where the payment dates were not uploaded in the payments CSV file has been corrected.
- A bug where funding entitlement was incorrectly rounded up has been corrected.
- A bug which caused a session with a holiday discount to be displayed multiple times has been corrected.
- On custom reports, an issue with the sorting of date columns, where it orders them by the day only and not the full date has been resolved.
- A bug where the Invoice Amount Report totals were incorrect has been resolved.
- A bug where the two-year funding amounts were not correctly shown on the dashboard has been resolved.
- A bug where incorrect values were shown on the monthly funding report has been corrected.
- A bug where the number of instances of absence were incorrectly listed in the Bradford Factor Report has been corrected.
- When running a weekly or weekdays register report, a bug has been corrected where the selected options were not retained when switching pages.
A bug has been corrected where term- time only children appeared on the weekly register report during a holiday period.
- A bug which caused the PDF to be blank where there are special characters in the parent name, has been corrected.
- An error displayed the date a staff holiday request was made, has been resolved.
- An error where the hourly rates were not displayed on the staff profile for Company Admin users has been corrected.
- A bug where the expiry date field was incorrectly populated with the current date when training courses were completed has been resolved.
- A bug which caused the successful staff update message not to be displayed has been corrected.