New Developments and Enhancements:
- Enhancements to the child scheduling process so that a pop up message warns the user about any overlap in child scheduling, with the option to cancel or continue.
- A parent/carer work email address field has been added to the parental details screen, the custom reports and the child profile/registration forms. The current email address field has been renamed to "Primary Email Address" and remains the main contact email for eyLog/eyMan parents.
- Significant and essential changes to the way that any communications to parents/staff are made from eyMan have been implemented to enhance the security of the system:- For New user registration (activation link), New staff registration (activation link), Forgot password, Re-send activation link, eyLog Manager import email (activation link), Staff holiday balance statement, Generate invoices log file and Send invoices log file the notifications will appear as From Name - <company name>, From Email - notifications@<instance url>, Reply To Email - no-reply@<instance url>. An example is From Name: ABC Nursery Group Ltd. From Email:, Reply To: For a Child invoice balance statement, Child transaction statement, Child payment receipts, Individual invoice email, Bulk invoice email or a Direct Debit request - Gocardless, the notifications will appear as From Name - <company name>, From Email - notifications@<instance url>, Reply To Email - As per invoice settings. An example is From Name: ABC Nursery Group Ltd. From Email:, Reply To: (from the invoice settings page). For messages to parents and staff the notifications will appear as From Name - <branch name>, From Email - notifications@<instance url>, Reply To Email - <as per branch message settings>. An example is From Name: ABC Nursery - Milton Keynes. From Email:, Reply To: (from the message settings). For Child Profile Forms, Staff Profile Forms and Registration Forms (sending and saving drafts) the notifications will appear as From Name - <branch name>, From Email - notifications@<instance url>, Reply To Email - no-reply<instance url). An example is From Name: ABC Nursery - Milton Keynes. From Email:, Reply To:
On any pages except the children's and staff menus where the user is given the option to display a set number of rows per page, the number of rows will be retained when the user logs out, so that the same settings are displayed when the user logs in again.
Invoices and Payments
- Users will be given a warning message where minimum booking fees are not applied to funded only children and an invoice is not generated.
- There has been significant new development to the system and child calendars, so that a discount value can be applied to sessions and products/services. This means that if you offer parents a holiday period for their child at 50% discount on sessions (for example), this need no longer be added to the child's schedule as a separate session type. You can simply mark the holiday with 50% discount. Any holiday marked on the branch calendar will have priority over the same day on any child's calendar. In addition, you can mark whether funding should be applicable on that day, which will include the day in any pro-rata funding calculation and deduct funding from the available hours for that week. Please note that this functionality works for Actual Invoices only, NOT Equally Spread (Annualised) Monthly Invoices.
- On the invoice view and the invoice amount report, you are now able to see the date and time that the invoice was sent to the parent.
- Enhancements and bug fixes for Equally Spread Monthly Invoices including: - a correction to the holiday reduction calculation amount and the date(s) displayed on the invoice for holidays reduced in this way. - the ability to exclude products/services on the child's schedule from the weekly calculation value. Products/services excluded in this way will be displayed as per their actual use on the invoice. - on the monthly calculations screen, the funded hours column is now visible. In addition, the invoice amount is updated automatically if any value is overridden and the ability to copy a row to all future months has been added. Please note that when an equally spread monthly invoice is deleted, the row will be deleted from the monthly calculations table and any overridden values will need to be re-entered.
- Improvements have been made to the payments, deposits, refunds and transfers view on Transactions screen. Moving the mouse over the transaction will show the history of where it has been allocated.
- A date option has been added to the transactions statement download option, so the statement can be filtered to be as of a selected date.
- If multiple children are added to a payment, then the system will not automatically allocate the payment (if activated), but take the user to the allocation screen where the user can manually allocate the payments for both children.
- On the parent app, parents now have the ability to pay multiple invoices with one payment, or to make a payment against a single invoice.
On the System Settings> Invoice/Payment Settings screen, children on selected payment terms can be excluded from automatic allocation of payments. This feature is useful where you may have some parents on payment plans or who have contributions made by third parties, where payments can't be allocated completely to old balances.
- Major enhancements to funding functionality include the ability to record a two-year funding code and an extended entitlement code for each child. This can be done from the Funding Codes option on the Funding section (top right corner) of the child menu.
In addition, the funding terms are shown for the current academic year by default, each term is shown as two- or three-year funded (as appropriate), we've removed the abbreviations for Stretched Funding and the Parent Declaration Form, and we've added totals for the terms so you can check these at a glance.
- You can now add Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and Deprivation Weighting to a child's funding and these will be included in the income forecast for the nursery funding income. The EYPP hourly rate for the funding term and the deprivation weighting hourly rate amounts for up to four bands (A, B, C and D) can be entered at the time the funding term is set up. When the funding term is added to the child's profile, simply select whether EYPP and/or which deprivation weighting band applies. On the income forecast, the EYPP rate will be added to the first 15 hours of funding (universal entitlement) only. Deprivation weighting can only be applied to three/four- year old children and applies to both universal and extended entitlement funding hours.
- On the bulk funding allocation screen, you can now choose to enter the funding allocation as a weekly or termly amount. We recommend that the termly option is used when your invoices are calculated as an equally spread (annualised) monthly amount.
Registration and Child Profile Forms
- Parents can now upload documents such as birth certificates with the Child Profile and Registration Forms.
- Any updates to the staff profile form are now pushed directly to eyLog, without requiring an update from eyMan.
- The search functionality on the staff menu has been enhanced to highlight the search results within each profile tile. This is consistent with the changes that were introduced on the children's menu.
- We've had a face lift! We hope you like our new look reports screen. We've separated standard and custom reports into two pages, and grouped the standard reports into three categories: Operational, Financial and HR Reports, with a search facility at the top of each column. Moving your mouse over each report will give you a brief description of the report functionality.
- Consecutive absences on the staff scheduling screen will be counted as a single occurrence when calculating the Bradford Factor report.
- A new report, the Staff Details Summary Report, has been added, which gives a summary view of active, inactive or all staff members for a branch or across a group of nurseries, including basic nursery qualifications/training.
- On the custom reports, the preferred session for a child has been added to the enquiries data section.
- The Allergies Report has been renamed to "Allergies, Dietary Requirements and Medical Notes Report".
- The Documents Report now shows the URL link for each document.
- On the Tags Report, global tags are now displayed when all branches are selected, enabling you to filter the report by these tags.
Bug Fixes:
- A bug where the Child Profile Form updates were not pushed to eyLog automatically has been corrected.
- A bug where the automatic room movement did not update eyLog has been corrected,
Invoices and Payments
- A bug where un-invoiced extra sessions from the previous month were added to equally spread invoices at the incorrect rate has been corrected.
- A bug where the reference did not save on an automatically added payment has been resolved.
- A bug where the Nursery Standard access level was unable to regenerate all invoices has been resolved.
- A bug where a monthly invoice could not be created if a manual invoice already existed for the month has been corrected.
- A bug where the Children's Booking Pattern Report did not show sessions starting outside the core hours has been resolved.
- A bug where children were incorrectly displayed on the Children Without A Booking report has been corrected.
- An issue with spacing in the Weekly Register Report PDF has been corrected.
- A time out issue and error with excluding tagged staff has been resolved.
- An issue with updating the contract hours for staff in the last week of the year has been resolved.