New Developments and Enhancements:
Invoices and Payments
- Stripe/SagePay - click on the Payment Gateway settings option on Global Settings (to set up one account for all your nurseries) or on System Settings (to set up separate accounts for each branch) to activate your Stripe or SagePay account. Once activated, parents can pay invoices and/or deposits through their eyLog Parent App (only available to customers using eyLog and eyMan). Payments are automatically reconciled against outstanding invoices (if this option is selected on your Invoice/Payment Settings screen) or added as a payment on account. Over payments are also added as payments on account. Any deposit added will be shown as a deposit. Payments made by parents in this way cannot be deleted from the system, however they can be removed from invoices and re-allocated if necessary.
- Any payments made through Stripe/SagePay will trigger a notification on the dashboard. Click on the payment notifications to view the payment details.
- The equally spread invoicing process has been enhanced to include extra/additional sessions as well as un-invoiced sessions from the previous month (if this setting is enabled).
- Enhancements to the invoice date and due date fields so these are automatically filled (but can be overwritten), based on the invoice/payment settings.
- Payments on account/credits on a child’s account can be automatically allocated to the next monthly invoice that is generated. This setting can be enabled on the Invoice/Payment Settings screen.
- Payments and invoices icons on the dashboard menu have been modified for easier identification.
- On the Invoice/Payment Settings screen, the company logo or the branch logo can now be selected to be displayed at the top of the invoice PDF that is emailed to parents.
- Manual invoices are now allocated to the month of the invoice date, as per the strict calendar dates/weekly setting on the invoice/payment settings menu. This means that for customers using the weekly calendar, a manual invoice dated 31st October 2018 would be included in the list of November 2018 invoices.
- On the invoice generation log file, where an invoice can’t be generated as the child's leave date is prior to the invoice date, the child’s name is now included as part of the error message.
- An error message is displayed where an invoice cannot be generated for a funded only child as minimum booking fees do not apply.
- In order to prevent errors in payments, the payment modes reserved for payment gateways - GoCardless, Stripe and SagePay can no longer be selected as payment modes when adding payments manually.
- A type filter has been added to the transactions view of a child's account, so that the user can filter to invoices only or payments only. This removes the need for a separate payments view screen,so this has been removed.
Enquiries, Registration and Child Profile Forms
- On the enquiry form, registration form and child profile form - the header has been replaced with the company or nursery logo. The default option is the company logo however this can be altered on the company settings page to show the nursery logo.
- Enhancements to the registration and child profile forms include the ability for parents to upload their photos.
- On the child profile form, the ability to edit all fields of the child’s details (such as the name and ethnicity) has been added along with the ability to add additional parents/carer/emergency contact details and remove existing ones. All changes are highlighted on the notifications screen (for more details of notifications see the release notes for version 1.8.1)
- A ‘PDF download’ option has been added to the main staff scheduling screen.
- On the main staff scheduling screen, staff sessions that are not included in ratio can be easily identified as they are now tagged with a flag icon.
- A date selection feature has been added to enable the user to quickly view a past or future date in the individual staff scheduling screen.
- A date selection feature has been added to enable the user to quickly view a past or future date in the child scheduling screen.
- On the child scheduling screen, extra/additional sessions can be easily identified as they are now tagged with a flag icon.
- On the daily, weekly and weekdays register reports, users can now select the option to display the children’s first names (and first letter of their surnames) only.
- A room filter has been added to the Staff Scheduling Report which allows users to select multiple rooms or all rooms.
- The Children’s Booking Pattern report has been enhanced to include the booking type (Permanent, Shift or Emergency). Children not assigned to a room appear at the end of the report are grouped under the room name "Not Assigned". Inactive children will be shown for a past selected date (flagged with a *), children who leave before a future selected date will be flagged with a red circle. If a child starts midway through the selected week, or has a future start date they are considered a future starter and flagged with a green circle.
- Deleted staff members will no longer be shown on the Staff Holiday Used/Balance report.
- On the Monthly Debtor’s report, an additional option to filter the report for "All", "Debtors Only", "Credit Only", "Zero Balance Only" has been added.
- The Performance Scorecard is a new report which can be run for one or all branches, which shows some of the key performance indicators for each room, such as the number of children, their booking type and the number of hours and funded hours they have booked for the selected week or month, according to whether the session type is marked as standard, discounted or subsidised.
- A date selection feature has been added to the system calendar which enables the user to quickly view a past or future date.
- The UE and EE popup screen that appears when the users log in to eyMan for the first time has been removed.
- The session types view on system settings has been enhanced to show active sessions only by default. All or Inactive Only sessions can be viewed by selecting one of these options from the status selection box.
Bug Fixes:
- Staff training entitlement, qualifications and training courses are now correctly updated when staff transfer between branches.
- On the invoice amount report for nurseries with equally spread monthly invoicing, discounts are now included in the gross invoice amount.
- A bug has been fixed where inactive session types were included on enquiry forms.
- On the staff scheduling screen, a bug has been fixed where staff that are scheduled in activities not included in ratio, were counted in ratio.
- A browser incompatibility issue with Safari, which caused an error in the appearance of downloaded PDF files from the documents section, has been resolved.
- A bug where inactive children imported from eyLog into eyMan were shown as active has been resolved.
- An error in the search facility on the children’s menu where children with no parental details did not appear in search results, has been resolved.
- A bug with the comic sans font on the Sticky Labels Report has been corrected.