The following development tasks have been included in the release:
- The facility to record a voucher code for a child and have this automatically added to the payment reference has been added.
- Dashboard Notifications for events and documents has been added.
- A new report, Staff Detail Changes, has been created.
- A new report, Tags Report, has been created.
- The facility to delete GoCardless payments from invoices has been created. These will be marked as PAID_OUT and the payment reference will remain as the Go Cardless reference in the event that the payment is deleted from an invoice. Go Cardless payments that are PAID_OUT cannot be deleted completely from the system.
- Reporting Enhancements to the following reports to include an All Branches option: Average Weekly Hours, Children Without Booking, Monthly Nursery Report, Monthly Debtors, Payments Report – Weekly, Staff Hours Report, Staff Scheduling Report, Staff Wages – Weekly %, Un-invoiced Sessions
- The daily register report has reverted to printing children according to their time of arrival and not by alphabetical order.
- The option to download the transactions screen as a CSV file.
- The facility to remove confirmed sessions for staff has been added, and a message has been added when sessions are confirmed to let users know that these cannot be edited once confirmed.
- Added an email messaging system to parents and staff for nurseries that use eyMan as a stand-alone system.
- Added the facility to show IN/OUT times from eyLog on the weekly register reports.
- Enhancements to Custom Reports, filters and the ability to save for all branches.
- Enhancements to the enquiries tab on the dashboard to display Visits and Follow Ups for the current (or selected) month.
- Major development to the enquiries section of eyMan to include the pipeline view.
- Automatic Room Movement facility to move children when they reach the appropriate age, with corresponding changes in scheduling, occupancy and availability charts.
- The facility to send the Child Profile Form to parents and automatically update children’s profiles.
- The number of pages in the child profile form has been reduced to 2-3 pages, depending on the number of emergency contacts.
- The activity report has been enhanced so the user can elect to show only children scheduled for the selected day.
- New access levels, Child Admin and Child Standard, as well as a review of all other access levels. As part of these changes, the Nursery Administrator role will be renamed Nursery Standard. Further details can be found in the eyMan access levels support documents.
- Universal and Extended Entitlement split for 30 hour funding requirements, including a new report, the Monthly Funding report.
The following bug fixes have been made:
- Correction of various spelling errors.
- A bug where the Weekly Payments Report did not show totals
- A bug where the colours of session types did not update when the child’s booking changed to a different session type.
- A bug where the staff hours report did not match the staff scheduling report.
- Corrections to the Monthly Debtors New Report
- A bug where the Monthly Nursery report for all branches did not show products/services
- A bug where the Weekly Wage % report default finish date was incorrect.
- A bug where the branch photo did not update correctly from eyMan to eyLog.
- A bug on registration forms where the address was not copied to child’s profile on enrolment.
- Bugs on the availability chart, where the correct number of children were not shown, and duplicate child names were displayed.
- A bug on manual invoices, where blank invoice from and to dates were incorrectly set to 01-Nov-2030, when the invoice was marked as paid.
- A bug where the invoice PDF did not match the invoice screen.
- A bug which caused zero value invoices to be shown as Pending Payment
- A bug where the Credits Available were still displayed when viewing previously generated invoices, even though they could not be added to the invoice.
- A bug where products and services could be selected for invalid days when booking a child’s schedule.
- A bug where staff scheduling could be set outside operational and staff booking hours.
- A bug where the training entitlement was not correctly calculated for staff changing from casual to permanent.
- A bug where users were unable to enrol a child.
- A bug where users were unable to make staff inactive when the staff member had been deleted on eyLog.