Up to and including version 1.5.3

Global/System Settings

System Settings and Global Settings are now displayed in alphabetical order

The branch update checkbox has been removed from global settings, all branches are automatically updated, with the exception of adding rooms at the global level.

Staff and children can now be assigned to rooms from the Groups/Rooms option.

Notifications can now be turned off in the branch settings so that the notifications bell and dashboard display box are no longer visible.

Access Levels

Accounts Administrator Settings have been modified to remove documents/events settings access and add access to invoice settings.

HR Supervisor now has the ability to add Job Titles at the global settings level.

Nursery Administrator User – changing manager to administrator now sets the nursery administrator access for the correct branch.

Nursery Manager now has the ability to set the session priority.

Session Rates/Products/Services

The current price for sessions, products and services is now displayed by default.

Products/Services rates can now be modified in the same way as session rates.


Funding terms that are allocated to a child’s profile cannot be deleted or edited.

Funding terms cannot overlap each other so that only one funding term can created for a defined period.

A delete facility has been added on the bulk allocation screen – only terms with no associated invoices can be deleted for a child.


Not Enrolled has been added as a status on the enquiry screen.

A bug in the online registration forms has been corrected and information from the online registration form is now saved correctly to the child's profile.

Occupancy Charts

An availability chart has been added to predict the availability of future sessions. This is based on current child booking schedules and is split into AM/PM times. The cut off time has been set to 1:00 pm as the default for all nurseries, however this setting can be changed in System Settings>Branch Settings

Download options for the availability chart have been added in the form of PDF and CSV files.

A filter has been added to the average occupancy charts to filter by age range in months.


Users now have the ability to search for a child by their URN number or by Tags in the search facility on the children's screen.

Tax Free Credits can now be selected as a payment mode and the code can be entered on the general details of a child's profile.

Parents/Carers can now be deleted from the parental details of a child's profile.

The child's name on the left hand side of the child's profile is now updated when the main profile page is updated.

The payment modes on the children's screen now reflect the payment modes entered in Global Settings.

The child URN field has been updated to display the prefix and suffix defined at Company level.

Parent photographs are now saved to the correct parent profile - the bug that saved the picture from profile 2 to profile 1 has been corrected.

A bug in the scheduling screen that moved the schedule when updating products/services has been corrected.


Minor modifications have been made to the Staff Absence screen.

The option to add staff to eyLog has been added - you can now add any staff member to the eyMan system without creating an eyLog practitioner profile for them.

Training Entitlement for casual staff transferring to permanent staff has been corrected so the correct training entitlement is calculated.

Enhances to staff training entitlements functionality have been made in preparation for the new training entitlements notifications on dashboard.

Users now have the ability to assign key children on the staff profile.

The staff URN field has been updated to display the prefix and suffix defined at Company level.

Additional checks and balances have been put in place so that overlapping pay increase/decrease events cannot be created.

Invoices /Payments/Transactions 

An issue with system timeout on invoice generation/regeneration has been resolved – invoices now generate in the background and an email with the log file is sent to the user when completed.

The child transaction screen can be downloaded as a PDF or sent to the bill payers via email.

On the child payments view, the facility to add an automatic payment has been added. This might be used for regular vouchers or tax free credits (or any other payments) that are received on a monthly basis. Once set, this value will be automatically deducted from an invoice at the time it is first generated by creating a payment against the invoice. The payment is created with the due date of the invoice and this then works the same way as any other payment. 

A mouseover option on the main invoices screen has been added to show the last generation date of invoice - just move your mouse over the invoice number to see this functionality.

Negative invoices will no longer have a Collect Now facility where the parent has a Go Cardless mandate.

On the main payments screen, you now have the facility to send receipts for payments to parents. Click on the envelope icon next to the payment to do this.

TTO functionality to exclude non-term-time sessions for children marked as Term Time Only has been added. Please contact the support team to activate this functionality.

Payments upload from CSV - this is major new functionality and can be found on the main payments screen. It enables the user to upload a CSV file using the downloadable template provided to enter payments in bulk.

A change has been made to the payment entry screen so that payments can be added as a payment on account or as a deposit without opening a second screen.


Various report features have been added such as the report header, the filters used and the functionality of the cancel button has been improved to return the user to the previous screen.

The DBS number has been added to the staff details option on the custom reports section.

The allergy report now has the option to include the child's profile photograph.

A new monthly debtors report has been added which includes a non-allocated payments column. These are payments which have been added for a child but not yet allocated to an invoice or as a payment on account.

Enhancements have been made to the register reports - Daily, Weekly and Weekday options are now available and can be filtered by the session type. Optional display views of the child's date of birth and products/services booked can be selected. Any term time only children will not be displayed during holiday periods unless they are booked in for additional sessions and no children will be displayed on a branch holiday.

A new field to show the pending amount has been added to the Invoice Amount Report.

Children without booking report now excludes term time only children and children on holiday from the report.

Additional support notes on major functionality can be found in the eyMan section of the Support Portal.