Once a practitioner has logged in, the application shows the Children List screen. On this screen the staff name and group is displayed in the top right corner and eyLog version in the left corner. Depending on the policy that the nursery manager has chosen, this list may show all the children in the nursery, children from a particular group or just the key children for that particularly staff member. If available, the application will by default display children from ‘All Groups’.

If the nursery policy allows practitioners to take observations for all children in the nursery, the group drop-down box allows the practitioner to select a specific group and see the list of children in only that group. This provides an easy way to find a particular child in the nursery. To select children from a particular group, click on ‘All Groups’ and a drop down box will appear with a list of the available filter options.


By selecting one of these options only the children associated with that group will be displayed.  You can also use the search tool at the top of the screen to search for a specific child.

Note: If children’s data changes (e.g. children added/removed, group changes, etc.) click the ‘Refresh’ button to reflect these changes on the tablet application. This will update the application and upload the latest children’s data to the tablet. This operation may take a few seconds to complete.